Monday, April 18, 2011

One of our main strategies is to use article marketing in order for us to obtain more traffic to our website. In this particular strategy, your main goal is to promote the traffic of your site by means of composing and publishing articles.

There are Three (3) Guidelines to this article marketing traffic strategy that one should focus on and they are:
1. Composing high caliber articles
2. Syndicating them across different websites
3. Having your articles ranked in various search engines

Now we’ll go on to see how we can be able to apply these guidelines:

I.Composing High Caliber Articles

Quality filled content EQUALS loads of people reading them until the end. More clicks to your website EQUALS more traffic. This also signifies that your article will then be republished on more and more websites, bookmarked and linked from one blog to another. This will also increase the exposure of your website as well as the number of your website visitors.

Good Quality Article Vs. A Poorly Composed Article

To simplify, a high quality or high caliber article provides value to the reader and solves the reader’s problem and curiosity. If the article doesn’t do either of these things, then it is therefore a poor article. However, a poor article is not exactly a poorly composed one. There are in fact, a lot of articles out there which are exceptionally written but have very poor content and there are a lot of poorly written articles out there, which provide great value to a lot of readers who are looking for help. These types of articles still attract a huge number of readers to the site they are promoting, despite the fact that it was poorly composed. A poor article, is an article that has poor content, poor information and has no value what so ever.

A good article provides value and/or solves the reader’s query. This is the reason as to why these ‘How-To’, ‘Tips and Tricks’ and ‘Tutorials’ articles are the type of articles that work great nowadays.

II.Publishing Them on Different Websites

Traditional article marketing works by a website owner submitting their article to various article directories, providing their visitors with the permission to republish these articles for free with a link back to your website.

A lot of article marketers compose articles and submit them to article directories and here is where they stop their article marketing efforts. Publishing your articles merely to various article directories worked exceptionally years ago. However, it will not provide you great results anymore.

The good news is that there are infinite amounts of websites, and you should not overlook this whenever you’re dealing with article marketing. Sure you should take advantage of article directories. However, if you submit merely to article directories, you are limiting your exposure and the potential traffic to your website.

Once you master the first guideline, which is composing a high caliber article, you will have a higher opportunity of having your articles get republished on many different websites, as well as many blogs. This happens automatically.

This is why you need to submit articles to as many quality article directories as possible, which will offer you a double benefit: one is direct traffic from the viewers of these directories, and your articles re-published and other sites that attract your target audience.

Whenever possible though, do not forget about blog networks, Wikis, Web 2.0 properties, Social networks and Ezines. Further, if you are really serious about article marketing, you should also make sure not to overlook distribution as well as submission services. These services offer access to a lot of websites and can provide you the opportunity to get your articles published on websites like, specific sites related to your niche that attract your audience, or ezines. These services can be a great way to promote traffic and generate additional profit.

III.Having your articles ranked in various search engines

There are two possibilities whenever you publish an article:
-The article can either get lost in cyberspace, or
-It can get a first page rank of various search engine results.

Most of us would like the second possibility, and there are techniques that you can apply in order to reach this goal. An article that appears high in the rankings (and stays there) signifies pure gold since it will offer free traffic on auto-pilot. If you manage to get your articles ranked in major search engines, then you’ll have more readers of your articles and thus more web visitors.

This is the reason as to why getting your articles ranked should be prioritized. If your main target is to divert more free traffic towards your website then this signifies composing articles following a number of solid basic SEO principles.

Article marketing for traffic means composing quality articles that will entice people to view and read your entire website, publishing these articles to many websites and a large variety of them, and double checking the articles can get a high rank in Google by applying some solid SEO article writing techniques. This is a strategy that has been successful for a lot of marketers and is just as powerful in creating results as it was years ago.

There is tons more when it comes to correctly applying the proper article marketing techniques that will let you work smart and not hard. You can find more great information at Marketing Made Simple.

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